Friday 23 October 2015


In my third week, I am learning about systemic, taxanomy and classification of organism. All living thing is classified base on:
I learnt that all living thing is classified into 6 kingdom, which are;
The classification of living this is very systematic and being created by Caralus Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist, zoologist and physician. He is the first person who publish the first classification system for both animal and plant.
In this topic, I am also learnt a little bit about the characteristics for the six kingdoms of organisms. It helped me a lot in recalling my previous study knowledge. So, for the further information, I need to go through and study back what I have learnt during my diploma. And also from other source like online reading and books. For me, this taxanomy thing is not easy. I wonder how the Carl Linneaus able to come out with this system. I quite blurred about the phylogenetic tree especially when the question ask 'which organism is similar?' Somewhat I have to understand it. I need some additional reading about it.
This week also, I did a SCL group activity about the concept map (origin of life) the introduction of cell and history. For this group activity, It is beneficial to test and share our understanding about what we have learnt in previous weeks.

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