Friday 23 October 2015


For my second week in learning Cell Development(BSM3101), I learnt about History of life. This topic conveys about the condition of earth for billions years age. Means, our beloved Earth is extremely old. The Evolution theory is being applied in this topic. What I have learnt here in this topic is "Evolution is Broad". Because it is not only for the evolution of ape to human. The evolution theory is applied almost to everything. The evolution of Earth is slow but continuosly. What I learnt in this topic the progress of earth evolution from billions years ago. The scientist pictured condition Earth in 4 billion years ago is chaos and inhabit place. There is no oxygen and no life at all during that time. The condition of earth is very unstable with a lot of natural uncontrollable disasters occur frequently.
The picture is used to pictured the condition of Earth in early age. Very unstable and not suitable to live. In this second week's topic, I learnt about how the 'life' is being created. Life is begin with a simple inorganic molecules in the atmosphere resulted from the natural disasters occured.
The picture shows the evolution of atmosphere and the begining in how the life is created. From inorganic molecules to oranic molecules and becomes more complex and keep increasing the complexity till the life is created.
The timeline of early organisms start to exist. For this evolution,in how the organic molecules formed there is two theory which is 1) Comet theory and 2) Prebiotic broth hypothesis theory. The comet theory stated that the first organic molecule come from outer space. But this theory have no prove.
The prebiotic broth hypothesis evidence which conducted by Miller and Urey. I nearly forgot to mention another thing that I learnt in week 2 that related to week 1 topic which is "Selection in Action". It is a lecture video all about Evolution Theory. I was given a task to watch that video to enhance my knowledge. It is really useful video eventhough it is somehow a little bit boring. It all about natural selection that related to Darwin theory.

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