Friday 23 October 2015


For this week, two hours BSM 3101 class is being cancelled due to the haze. Another one hour class we doing our test 1 discussion and a lit bit plant growth regulator topic. It is not enough time to explain about the plant growth regulator. So, what I need to do is read the topic by myself and anything that I don't understand, I should ask my lecturer, Before that one hour class, I already did a review on the note given in putrablast. It is about the plant growth hormone that are useful and crucial for plant. The most of the topic is about these hormones; Auxins,Cytokinins, Gibberellins, Abscisic Acid and Ethylene as well as the contribution toward the plant. Each hormone has their own role and function. It is important for the plant development and it's mechanism.


For my sixth week, I learning about polination and embryo development. I all about reproduction process in plant to maintain their heredity. I learnt this topic before. During SPM. After SPM and during my diploma, I have't read about this topic. So, I need to read and understand it again after years not exposed to this topic. Recalling my SPM knowledge is somehow hopeles because almost all the info is being deleted from my mind. So sad to say. Pollination can be divided into two which are self-pollination and another one is cross- pollination.
During learning this in the class, I was being asked about the structure part the of flower. I think It really helped me to memorized the plant structure. The lecture is interesting. But, I still not remember the cycle part. I will try my best to memorise it. Another, embrogenesis. It is very interesting topic which convey the progress plant development.


For week 5, I learnt about endosymbiosis theory. Endosymbiosis theory is an evolutionary theory that explains the origin of eukaryotic cells from prokaryotes. What I really understand for this topic is for mitochondria and chloroplast in eukaryote in which originally arise form prokaryotes. Endosymbiosis theory suggest that :eukaryotes arose from a symbiotic relationship between various prokaryotes. • heterotrophic (aerobic) bacteria became mitochondria. • cyanobacteria (photosynthetic) became chloroplasts. • host cell was a large eukaryotic cell.
The theory come out base on the comparison of timeline and the characteristic. For this topic, I did a SCL group activity and compare the prokaryote to the mitochondria and chloroplast. From the comparison, we also conclude the endosymbiosis theory that eukaryote is arise from various of prokaryote. The SCL activity is mental challenge but beneficial to improve our understanding about the endosymbiosis theory.
The picture above is cell cycle. There is interphase phase that consist of G1(Gap 1) phase, S (synthesis) phase and G2(gap 2) phase. The interphase is a phase in which the cell is preparing all the requirement before triggering the M (mitotic) phase. Our body system is really complex. Even, the smallest unit in human body (cell) do a very complex mechanism. So, what about the other? Maybe more complex and complicated. How amazing our body are. In this cell division topic, I exposed to the mechanism of cell division (mitosis), the regulation of cell cycle and others.
The image is the phases in mitotic phase. Other than the cell cycle, I also learned about totipotency. Totipotency is a new topic for me. It is very interesting topic. It about growing a plant using it cell. It is a laboratory technique in growing a plant in unique style and using suitable medium. Totipotency is the ability of a individual plant cell/tissue/organ to regenerate into a whole plant under right condition (Gottlieb Haberlandt , 1902). Below is the example of totipotency.
Totipotency require suitable condition to occur like the temperature, nutrient, moisture, pH and other. It not easy to do cell culture. That what I think.


During fourth week, I learnt about cell theory, prokaryotic cell, virus, viroid and prion. This topic is very familiar to me because of my diploma background and help me recalling and installing my memory about basic microbiology. The Cell Theory is one of the basic principles of biology. Credit for the formulation of this theory is given to German scientists Theodor Schwann, Matthias Schleiden, and Rudolph Virchow.The Cell Theory states: 1)All living organisms are composed of cells. They may be unicellular or multicellular. 2)The cell is the basic unit of life. 3)Cells arise from pre-existing cells. Cell divided by two Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell.
The first diagram is for 2 basic type of cell, the first picture is prokaryotic cell and the second one is eukaryotic cell. These two has a few similarities and a lot of diffrences.
I also learnt about the bacterial shape.
Another things that I learnt is about virus, viroid and prion. Virus is something unique that being held between living and non-living thing. It require host cell to show the living thing proterties and I learnt about the properties of virus, classification of virus and how the reproduce.
These picture are the example for virus (HIV virus and Bacteriophage). They consist of 2 major part which are protein coat and heredity material (either DNA or RNA). Below, is the life cycle for virus. Without the host, they can't show the virulency. To maintain their existence, they undergo lysogeny and lytic cycle. For lysogeny, they remain dormant until suitable condition before the lytic occur.
Viroid is a smallest infectious pathogens known, consisting solely of short strands of circular, single-stranded RNA without protein coats. Viroid is a plant virus.
The potato is one of the example of viroid infection. Another thing I learnt is prion. Prion is infectious protein that effect nervous system. Prion causes mad cow disease, kuru, scrapie. It is dangerous.
The cow that being infected by Prion. Mad cow disease (BSE).
Another example for prion infection- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. For this week topic is really broad. What I learnt this week is just basic. I need to read a lot about this topic from different sources.


In my third week, I am learning about systemic, taxanomy and classification of organism. All living thing is classified base on:
I learnt that all living thing is classified into 6 kingdom, which are;
The classification of living this is very systematic and being created by Caralus Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist, zoologist and physician. He is the first person who publish the first classification system for both animal and plant.
In this topic, I am also learnt a little bit about the characteristics for the six kingdoms of organisms. It helped me a lot in recalling my previous study knowledge. So, for the further information, I need to go through and study back what I have learnt during my diploma. And also from other source like online reading and books. For me, this taxanomy thing is not easy. I wonder how the Carl Linneaus able to come out with this system. I quite blurred about the phylogenetic tree especially when the question ask 'which organism is similar?' Somewhat I have to understand it. I need some additional reading about it.
This week also, I did a SCL group activity about the concept map (origin of life) the introduction of cell and history. For this group activity, It is beneficial to test and share our understanding about what we have learnt in previous weeks.


For my second week in learning Cell Development(BSM3101), I learnt about History of life. This topic conveys about the condition of earth for billions years age. Means, our beloved Earth is extremely old. The Evolution theory is being applied in this topic. What I have learnt here in this topic is "Evolution is Broad". Because it is not only for the evolution of ape to human. The evolution theory is applied almost to everything. The evolution of Earth is slow but continuosly. What I learnt in this topic the progress of earth evolution from billions years ago. The scientist pictured condition Earth in 4 billion years ago is chaos and inhabit place. There is no oxygen and no life at all during that time. The condition of earth is very unstable with a lot of natural uncontrollable disasters occur frequently.
The picture is used to pictured the condition of Earth in early age. Very unstable and not suitable to live. In this second week's topic, I learnt about how the 'life' is being created. Life is begin with a simple inorganic molecules in the atmosphere resulted from the natural disasters occured.
The picture shows the evolution of atmosphere and the begining in how the life is created. From inorganic molecules to oranic molecules and becomes more complex and keep increasing the complexity till the life is created.
The timeline of early organisms start to exist. For this evolution,in how the organic molecules formed there is two theory which is 1) Comet theory and 2) Prebiotic broth hypothesis theory. The comet theory stated that the first organic molecule come from outer space. But this theory have no prove.
The prebiotic broth hypothesis evidence which conducted by Miller and Urey. I nearly forgot to mention another thing that I learnt in week 2 that related to week 1 topic which is "Selection in Action". It is a lecture video all about Evolution Theory. I was given a task to watch that video to enhance my knowledge. It is really useful video eventhough it is somehow a little bit boring. It all about natural selection that related to Darwin theory.


ASSALAMUALAIKUM, September 2015, I'm officially a University Putra Malaysia (UPM) to further my study in science field which is Bachelor Science (Hons.) Cell Biology and Molecule. I was a Diploma student before in Uitm for Diploma in Microbology. So, the program that I study now is quite related to my diploma but different. What I want to talk about for my first week experience is specific for BSM 3101 (Cell Development). This course is very interesting. This is may due to the ability of lecturer that can make this course very interesting. It is very easy to understand and her explaination is perfect. So, it help me a lot to nurture my enthusiasm toward this course. For my first week topic which is History and Evolution of Life in Earth I. Specifically about evolution theory and Darwin.
The two picture above is Charles Darwin (Charles Robert Darwin). He is an English naturalist and also a geologist who is the one who gave out the 'Evolution Theory'.
The picture above is one of the example of Darwin's Evolution theory. The theory that human is originally arise from monkey/ ape. This picture came across my mind when my lecturer said 'Evolution'. What a ridiculous theory it is. But, in this course, I learnt about why, what,who,when and how Darwin can came out with the Evolution theory. The website helped me a lot to understand multiple questions in my mind. It is about how, who,what when and why the evolution theory come out and also history of Darwin.